Abram Bible Coloring Pages

Abram Bible Coloring Pages
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Abram Bible Coloring Pages

Abram Bible Coloring Pages are a great way to help children understand the complex stories of Abram in the Bible. These interactive pages can provide several hours of fun for your little ones as they develop an appreciation for Abram’s story through coloring and play. Abram was a brave man and a great example of faith, so use these Abram Bible Coloring Pages to teach your children about courage, responsibility, and friendship. The bright colors and varied designs will also offer plenty of opportunities for creativity!

Abram Bible is an interesting character from the Bible, and there are some fascinating aspects about him.

Abram can be referred to as the founding father of the Israelites – his name was even changed to Abram by God at one stage, to signify his huge importance in Hebrew history. Abram and Lot’s covenant was seen as one of mutual respect and obligation. Abram aided in rescuing Lot after his capture, proving he was a loyal friend indeed. Abram served as an example of patient reliance on God when God told him that he’d have a child despite being well advanced in age – Abram happily obeyed and father a son named Isaac. All of these Abram Bible fun facts just go to show why Abram is such an important figure in the Jewish faith!

So what are you waiting for? Start exploring our coloring pages today! Want to see other Bible coloring pages?

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