Angry Birds Page

Angry Birds
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Angry Birds

Welcome to the Angry Birds Page! Here, Angry Birds fans from around the world come together to exchange tips, share stories, and keep up with all things Angry Birds. This page is packed full of all the Angry Birds information you’ll ever need. From news about upcoming releases and tournaments, to tips for mastering a level or finding secret bonuses. With so many resources available here at Angry Birds Page, you’ll never be bored! So don’t hesitate – join the Angry Flock today and learn everything there is to know about our favorite feathered friends!

Here are some fun facts about Angry Birds:

Angry Birds is one of the most beloved and recognizable games around the world. In its ten years of existence Angry Birds has become a part of pop culture, with countless merchandise and even a feature film released in 2016. But even many Angry Birds fans may not know these fun facts about the game! The Angry Birds page on IMDB lists “Catch That Pig” as its original title. This makes total sense to die-hard Angry Birds players who know why it was ultimately changed. As if that wasn’t enough trivia for any Angry Birds enthusiast, it isn’t just birds that you see slingshotting into structures throughout levels – pigs are also featured! Whether you love Angry Birds or just appreciate a good bit of trivia, learning these interesting facts will be sure to make long-time fans smile.

So what are you waiting for? Start exploring our coloring pages today! Want to see other Angry Bird coloring pages?

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