Fall Leaves

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fall leaves coloring page

Fall leaves are one of the best things about Fall! They come in all sorts of shapes, sizes and colors – from red and orange to yellow and green. They bring a feeling of warmth and snugness that can’t be found at any other time of year. Depending on where you live, some Fall days can be perfect for leaf-peeping and discovering different types of Fall foliage. From trails that wind past scraggly pine trees to ones that offer up sweeping views of Fall’s finest, it’s fun to get out there and see what Fall has in store. So grab your boots, coat and scarf, take a deep breath of crisp Fall air, and enjoy the beauty that Fall leaves have to offer!

Here are some fun facts about Fall Leaves:

Fall Leaves are a beautiful sight this time of year! Did you know that they start out as green and only turn colors when the nights get longer and temperatures start to cool down? Fall Colors come from the various amounts of carotenoids and anthocyanins in the leaves. Carotenoids are red, yellow, or orange and provide us with essential vitamins that help maintain healthy eyesight. Anthocyanins give them their purple and blue hues. They can be incredibly diverse; ranging from muted yellows and browns to intense oranges, reds and purples. Embrace Fall in all its glory-and don’t forget to take some time to both admire the stunning falling leaves, as well as try fun Fall activities like raking up a gigantic pile of leaf for jumping into.

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