Christmas Tree

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Christmas Tree coloring page

The Christmas Tree Coloring Page

As Christmas nears, we turn our thoughts to the traditions we hold dear. For some of us, those traditions include many elements, from baking our favorite treats to singing our favorite Christmas carols to decorating our homes. Nothing ushers in the festive season of Christmas quite like decorating the tree with lights and ornaments.

Have you ever witnessed the joy of a child filling in a Christmas tree coloring page with vibrant colors? Perhaps you have enjoyed coloring pages of Christmas tree for yourself or with your children. The eyes of the artist mirror the lights of the tree with their brightness.

The Christmas Tree

The Christmas tree is one of the most recognized symbols of the holiday season. While the exact origin of the practice of decorating a tree for Christmas is unknown, it is a widely held belief that the tradition dates back more than a thousand years. The tradition as we now know it is believed to have originated in Germany.

It is believed that the practice began in the UK when Queen Charlotte, the German wife of King George III, had a tree decorated for a children’s party. When a drawing of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert celebrating with their children around a tree was published in the late 1840s decorating a tree became popular in the US as well as the UK.

Traditional trees were often decorated with apples and candles. Some added other foods and treats to their trees. As traditions changed, people began to use small gifts on the tree. Today, many families have developed traditions of their own around the decorating of a tree for Christmas.

The ornaments we use for our trees often hold special significance. Some choose to use traditional ornaments that symbolize specific aspects of the holiday season. Others choose to use whimsical ornaments or ornaments made by themselves or their children. Still others choose to use a theme for their trees, often changing the theme from year to year.

Many of us not only choose ornaments with meaning but also have traditions that we observe as we place the ornaments upon our trees. We may choose to sing carols as we string the lights. Perhaps we eat special snacks while we hang the ornaments. Some of us even use the time as a time to gather with friends or family in celebration of the season.

No matter what our traditions may be, it is undeniable that when we see an evergreen tree decorated with lights and ornaments, we think of Christmas. A Christmas tree coloring page might elicit sweet memories of holidays past. Lights twinkling in a neighbor’s window could be a pleasant reminder of a gathering with friends.

Coloring pages of Christmas tree can inspire creativity in our decorating or allow us to recall joyous childhood moments. Today’s technology allows us to print a Christmas tree coloring page right in the comfort of our own home to relive those glorious moments or share new ones with our children. Let’s celebrate!

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