Coloring Pages of Biblical Earth, Air, Water, Fire

coloring pages of biblical earth, air, water, fire
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coloring pages of biblical earth, air, water, fire

Coloring pages are a fun way for kids to learn about the world around them. But did you know that you can also use coloring pages to teach biblical truths? That’s right – there are now Coloring Pages of Biblical Earth, Air, Water, and Fire! These coloring pages feature beautiful scenes from the Bible, along with accompanying text that will help your child understand the meaning behind each scene. And best of all, these coloring pages are absolutely free! So why not take advantage of this great resource and print out Coloring Pages of Biblical Earth, Air, Water, and Fire today!

Biblical Earth is the name given to the planet Earth as it is described in the Bible. Unlike modern scientific views of the planet, Biblical Earth is seen as a flat disk with a firmament above it. The earth is also said to be the center of the universe and all other heavenly bodies revolve around it. Similarly, water and air are also seen as elements that make up Biblical Earth. Water is said to be beneath the earth and its waters are thought to be the source of all life. Air, on the other hand, is seen as a powerful force that can control the weather and even move mountains. Finally, fire is thought to be a purifying force that can cleanse Biblical Earth of sinfulness. These are just some of the Biblical Earth facts that may surprise you.

So what are you waiting for? Start exploring our coloring pages today! Want to see other water coloring pages?

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