Coloring Pages of Moses Water out of Rock

coloring pages of moses water out of rock
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coloring pages of moses water out of rock

Coloring pages Moses water out of rock is a great way for kids to learn about the Bible. And what better story to start with than the story of Moses water out of rock! This coloring page shows Moses performing one of his most famous miracles. As your child colors, encourage them to think about how Moses must have felt when he was able to bring water out of the rock for the Israelites. What do they think the Israelites were feeling when they saw this miracle? This is a great opportunity to talk about how God can use anyone, even someone like Moses who didn’t seem like he had anything special, to do incredible things. Coloring pages of Moses water out of rock is a great way to introduce your child to the Bible and help them learn about God’s miracles.

Did you know that the story of Moses and the water from the rock is found in three different books of the Bible? It’s true! You can read about it in Exodus 17, Numbers 20, and Deuteronomy 9. What happened was that the Israelites were traveling through the wilderness and they ran out of water. They were getting very thirsty, so they complained to Moses. Moses went to God and God told him to strike a certain rock with his staff and water would come gushing out. That’s exactly what happened! The water quenched the thirst of the Israelites and saved their lives.

So what are you waiting for? Start exploring our coloring pages today! Want to see other water coloring pages?

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