Dinosaur Coloring Pages Velociraptor

Dinosaur Coloring Pages Velociraptor
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Dinosaur Coloring Pages Velociraptor
Dinosaur Coloring Pages Velociraptor

Are you a fan of dinosaurs? Then you’ll love our Dinosaur Coloring Pages Velociraptor page! With its striking color scheme, sharp claws, and sharp teeth, coloring in this fierce dino will be a blast. But don’t let its fearsome appearance fool you – the velociraptor was actually rather small, only about three feet tall and six feet long. They were also smart and social creatures, often hunting in packs to take down larger prey. So grab some crayons or markers and bring this prehistoric predator to life on the page!

Did you know that the iconic velociraptor was actually a lot smaller than it appeared in the popular movie Jurassic Park?

This dinosaur only measured about three feet tall and six feet long. Despite its small size, it was still incredibly fast and had huge claws for gripping prey. In fact, its name means “swift thief” in Latin. Along with its powerful hind legs, the velociraptor also had curved, spoon-shaped teeth for tearing flesh.

What’s more, scientists now believe these dinosaurs may have been covered in feathers like modern birds! So the next time you imagine a velociraptor chasing you through the jungle, just remember that it might have been fluffy and feathery instead of scaly. Who knew dinos could be so cute?

So what are you waiting for? Start exploring our coloring pages today! Want to see other dinosaur coloring pages? Happy coloring!

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