Shigeo Kageyama and Kusuo Saiki Coloring Pages

Shigeo Kageyama and Kusuo Saiki Coloring Pages
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Shigeo Kageyama and Kusuo Saiki Coloring Pages are a great way to get creative with your favorite characters from the show. There are a variety of designs to choose from, so you can color Mob and his friends exactly how you want. You can also use these Shigeo Kageyama and Kusuo Saiki Coloring Pages to create your own Mob Psycho 100 fan art. So grab some crayons or markers and start expressing your creativity today!

Shigeo Kageyama, also known by his stage name Mob, is a typical middle-schooler. Despite appearing unremarkable, he is a strong esper with incredible psychic ability. He continually lives under emotional restraint in order to maintain control of this power. Mob works as a helper for a con artist and self-declared spirit medium Arataka Reigen in order to learn how to control his powers. Mob wants to have a normal life like the people around him, but he is constantly being pursued by problems. Mob’s power threatens to exceed its bounds as his repressed emotions gradually begin to build inside him as he finally comes into contact with other espers like the Claws.

Do You Know What Is Mob’s Family Life Like?

It’s a little odd how Mob’s family operates. The youngster doesn’t appear to be facing any significant challenges in that regard, but he also doesn’t appear to be very close to his parents. Reigen seems to be the adult he most closely resembles; although his parents are supportive, they never truly comprehend his abilities.

His bond with his brother Ritsu is totally another story. When fans first meet the boys, there is an undeniable tension between them, and it soon becomes obvious why: the boys dislike one another for quite different reasons. Ritsu initially envies Mob’s psychic abilities, but at the beginning of the series, Mob wishes he had Ritsu’s social abilities.

So what are you waiting for? Start exploring our coloring pages today! Want to see other awesome Anime coloring pages?

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