Unicorn Emoji Coloring Pages

unicorn emoji coloring pages
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unicorn emoji coloring pages

Unicorn emojis are known for their magical, mythical nature and unique Unicorn horn. Now, you can bring this magical creature to life with Unicorn emoji coloring pages! With a variety of different Unicorn emoji designs to choose from, these coloring pages make for a fun and imaginative activity for all ages. Bring out your inner artist as you color in the Unicorn’s shimmering mane and gleaming horn. Whether it’s a rainy day activity or just some creative downtime, Unicorn emoji coloring pages provide endless entertainment and imagination. So grab your crayons and unleash your inner Unicorn love with these fun coloring pages!

Here are some interesting facts about unicorns:

Narwhals were negatively impacted by unicorn mythology. The single tooth that protruded from the front of the whale’s head made for a popular imitation, which was terrible news for narwhal populations because of the myth that unicorn horns could neutralize poison and purify water. Even a throne made of narwhal horns was owned by the Danes.
Horns from unicorns were extremely expensive. “Unicorn horn” reached its peak when it was literally worth 10 times as much as gold. The pope purchased a unicorn horn from German traders in 1560 for an absurd 90,000 scudi or nearly £18,000 at the time. Up until 1741, pharmacies in London offered powdered unicorn horns for sale.

So what are you waiting for? Start exploring our coloring pages today! Want to see other Unicorn coloring pages?

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